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Four classes (two pairs) from Chipeta Elementary and Taliesin Junior shared local folklore and stories - Welsh and Native American - between January and April 1998. This followed on from some 'ice breaker' activities which allowed both pupils and teachers to get to know each other. Written work, conversation
Storytelling Several of the videoconferencing sessions were used for 'performances' of stories:- some were dramatic readings, some used posters and paintings which the children had prepared, and others were fully acted out.

E-mail and WebBBS facilities were used for preparation and follow-up work between videoconferences. Not all work was done 'at the computer': the use of a scanner allowed 'pen and paper' work to be sent via e-mail when necessary.
The desktop videoconferencing cameras coped with the drama sessions quite well: but extra sound amplification at the receiving end (and some movement of the microphone at the sending end) was necessary to ensure all the children in the audience could hear what was happening. Drama, illustration, narration
Rap and Poem
Click on either item for an enlarged version
The project provided a focus for many other topics, including the exploration of different forms of creative writing. The 'rap' shown here was written by four children at Taliesin and was performed over the videoconference link for their end of term party. The acrostic poem is from one of the children at Chipeta.
For the children at Taliesin, the storytelling work was brought to a wonderful conclusion by a visit from one of the American teachers. Storytelling
Chris Carlson reading a native American story
to children at Taliesin

GCProduced by Melchior Telematics for BT Community Partnerships © 1998-9
Global Connections