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People Profiles

Allan Smithyman Allan Smithyman (Principal Teacher of Guidance) co-ordinates project activities at Sgoil Lionacleit. He began teaching in 1983, and has previously taught at Holyrood Secondary School in Glasgow, and Iochdar School on South Uist.

He has been at Sgoil Lionacleit since it opened in 1988. As well as being a Guidance teacher he also teaches Technical Education, Craft & Design and Graphic Communication. And as for activities outside school... he enjoys sailing but says that with two young children (nine and six) he has little time for any recreation!

Stuart McDonald Stuart MacDonald co-ordinated Global Connections activities for the first year of the project. He taught Biology, Chemistry and General Science at the school, and one of his biology classes participated in links with Elgin last year.

He coaches rugby for the North of Scotland U-16 development squad, and before moving to a new teaching post in Edinburgh at the start of the academic year 1998/9, every coaching session used to involve him in a 600 mile round trip to the mainland!

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